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The World of Severus Snape

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Oh, I second your rec. The story's very well written and it's got especially good characterization.

Millicent and even Draco don't have much canon characterization to go on, and BcoF has made them into very interesting characters. (I don't agree with the Hermione characterization. Canon Hermione is not "an attractive girl who has her pick of the guys, at least for sex"; canon Hermione is so academically driven that most guys seem to dismiss her as sexless. But who said we all had to agree on everything? Anyway, BcoF's Hermione characterization serves the plot.)

Severus' characterization is very accurate. Oh, when the Lily backstory was added just after DH's release, its pasted-on nature showed a bit -- but just a *bit*. (If someone were writing for publication, they'd want to edit all previous chapters to add minor references to The Lily Thing, instead of just adding a few paragraphs to the latest chapter. But this is a fanfic -- she's only writing for fun anyway.) And there are maybe two instances in the entire story where I said to myself, hey, that's not how canon Severus reacted when treated that way. *Two.* He's *very* true to canon.

Yet he's not a wind-up toy, producing "Typical Snape Behavior" in every situation. Instead, he's put into new and different situations, and reacts "the way someone with canon Severus' personality would" to situations canon Severus was never in. That's the best kind of accurate characterization a fanfic can have.

Aaaand the backstory BcoF created for Severus' family is interesting, doesn't contradict canon details, and feels very human.

The cultural differences aren't 100% *perfect* (example: would a woman from a society wherein sex transfers magical power from men to women -- so men have strong reason to take sex slow, and women have extra reason to rush in -- even imagine the existence of *women* selling sex? Yet Millicent immediately guesses a foundling is the offspring of a prostitute), but they're much more creative and interesting than the usual "pureblood culture" of fanon (see above).

Last few random thoughts... The story's graphic sex almost always advances the plot and especially characterization. And this story, like the HP series itself, has a rather dark view of human nature. It's a good story, everyone: go read.
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