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The World of Severus Snape

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Part II

Poppy: I'm one of those who sees Severus and Poppy as having a particularly warm and trusting relationship, on the basis of a number of things.

1) Poppy, like Severus, is utterly no-nonsense when it comes to caring for her charges, combining strictness and real but unsentimental caring. As a HoH I think he'd respect and understand this (I think it quite likely that he spent some time training at St Mungo's, in fact, due to his own approach to and skill at healing). (Not that this makes him a good patient himself - he would hate to be seen as vulnerable or weak.) And I think v-v Poppy could recognize the same qualities in Severus, see that he does his best to protect his students despite his sharp tongue with them.

2) As pointed out already, Poppy and Severus would likely have a great deal of ongoing contact due to their respective roles. If Severus assists with difficult or unusual cases, I imagine his healing skill would earn her notice and respect. And he would have reason to respect her skills if she treats him after DE meetings, tho he would undoubtedly claim at the time that he was perfectly fine and not in need of 'coddling.'

3) Poppy was also the matron when he was a boy, and so if he did visit the infirmary after any run-ins with the Marauders, she would have seen the damage firsthand and treated it. Also: though there is nothing in canon specifically proving that Severus was physically abused at home, the glimpses of his home life we do get in combination with his behavior as an adult (displaying classic signs of an adult survivor or abuse) indicate that possibly he was. If so, Poppy would also know or at least have suspected it, and would have treated him for it. So the tone of their early relationship would be set by her caring for him.

4) As a mediwitch, I'm sure there must be some sort of confidentiality requirements for Poppy to follow (unless the WW is even more severely messed-up than we thought). I imagine this would make it somewhat easier for Severus to trust and confide in her. And I think that in general Poppy is discreet while not being in the least stupid or unobservant; to be a competent healer you do need to have a degree of observational skill, logic, and intuition, and I doubt Poppy is as unaware of what is going on in the background as those around her might think. ;) Severus would appreciate this (and not be fooled by her).
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