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The World of Severus Snape

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As for Vance, as I indicated above, I think he 'claimed' credit for her death, but wasn't actually even 'there'. He claims partial credit for both her death and Sirius' in the same sentence - leaving me to believe they were both under similar circumstances.

I said I would return later with my thoughts/theory on Vance's death.

Of first importance is that she was found dead outside and right around the corner from #10 Downing Street. The Prime Minister was complaining about how the media played it up as happening in his backyard. Anyways, unlike Madame Bones, she wasn't killed at home, where she could be reasonably expected to be 'found'.

Her death is lumped with Madame Bones which misleads us to think they were for similar reasons. But look at what else was happening in the same time period. A Junior Minister was discovered to be quacking like a duck, apparently from a bad imperio and sent to St. Mungo's. The fact that he was sent to St. Mungo's indicates that the person who found him quacking was a wizard. So what was one wizard (who found the Jr Minister) and another (Vance) both doing hanging out around #10 at roughly the same time (either jointly or possibly on alternate nights)?

It's my theory that Snape informed the Order (in advance) of a plan for an assassination plot on the Prime Minister. Notice that at the end of the time period, Kingsley is firmly in place as the Prime Minister's secretary - basically guarding him from anyone who might make it to the Prime Minister's actual office. I think that Vance interupted the Imperio process on the Jr Minister and was promptly killed for it, while the muggle escaped (unfortunately still quacking).

I'm sure the idea was to be sure he would obey the Imperio first (hence the quacking). After all, IF the Mulciber that was at the DoM was the same one who was the Imperio expert, then the DE casting this Imperio was not Voldy's usual go-to-guy for Imperio's. Then, once sure he WOULD obey, give him the order to kill the PM.

So, I think Vance was on Order 'duty' the night she was killed - just like Sirius was. And Snape claimed 'credit for both, since it was info he gave the Order that led to them being on that 'duty' -- Hwyla
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