
December 1st, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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December 1st, 2007

Recommendation time!!!

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Original poster: marionros

It's still friday in my part of the world (just), so here the recs to some *great* fic.
No, really, I mean it. Some of these are of the *best* I've ever read, and I've read thousands of fics. I'm dead impressed with these.

First of all, a WIP I've only found out about two days ago, but I'm floored with its brilliance. I've never liked the Trio, and I've always hated how whatever repugnant thing the Trio did they never got hit around the ears with the consequences, so I was thrilled to have found 'The Golden Years' by Asinoe:
Allthough Snape is only a portrait in this story, he does have his wonderful moments, and you'll *love* the jobinterview with a thirtysomething Ravenclaw who remembers the time of the Marauders.. *Highly recommended*, I can't stress this enough.

Allthough the first story is a bit hard to beat, the next is also absobloodylutely brilliant. It's a story by Bloodcult of Freud called 'Seven Preposteous Things':
It starts of a bit strange, but I promise you, persevere and you'll be rewarded by a wonderful Snapecentric fic (and it has some wonderful Milicent and Draco bits in it as well). A very different Snape than is usually portrayed, but that's the brilliance of this fic. To quote from it: "Rather it simply indicated that he was an acquired taste, like a particularly smelly cheese, the sort that left you in a baffled horror when you were a child wondering how adults could stomach such a thing but later, when you were grown, you looked forward to the ugly lump waiting in your refrigerator that made everything else seem bland in comparison."
Not for the faintharted though, it has rather graphic descriptions of sexual (het) sex in it.

I've got loads more fic recs but I just have time for one more (the rest will come next week)
It's a short chapter, and Snape doesn't even enter it, but it took my breath away when I read it. Every story has two sides. This short chapter shows us Bella, Lucius, Rodolphus and Luna's future mum and dad meeting on the train to Hogwarts. Anyone ever wondered why Voldemort had such succes luring the best and the brightest of a generation?

Harry Potter and the HALF BLOOD PRINCE!

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This relates to the Half Blood Prince so I thought I could get away with posting it here. I hope I can. ;)

Does anyone know about these rumors with Madonna's daughter Lourdes playing someone in the HBP movie? WHO? (Lourdes is 11; I am wracking my brain for what role she could have been offered. A younger version of somebody? Pansy Parkinson?)



I has another theory: anti-Snape backlash

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Original poster: bohemianspirit

Originally posted as a reply to a comment in another thread, but since we all love to meta so much, I thought it might be interesting to discuss. If not, then not. ;-)

* * *

Re: forming views of characters, I did read some fanfic for a couple of years, till my old computer died and I "downshifted" jobs at the end of 2002, but I always reserved judgment on making a final interpretation of characters till the last book came out. My basic guess that Severus Snape would prove to be neither incorrigibly horrible nor secretly noble was borne out, though I didn't predict the details of his background.

I think a lot of the anti-Snape backlash is coming from longtime fans who got imaginatively wedded to either OfTheManorBorn!Snape or SuperEvilKillerDungeonDom!Snape and who were terribly disappointed to find he was merely a working-class bloke from a neglectful impoverished background with a touchy temper and defensive shell hiding a heart of gold.

Alas. ;-)

Snapecast Episode 25

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Original poster: chaeche

Yes, that's Snarky at the Ice Bar in Copenhagen. Snapecast Episode 25 is up and it's our second to last show...

Direct download Episode 25

See [info]snapecast or the Snapecast web site.
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