
November 26th, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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November 26th, 2007

November Challenge Ficlet: The Great Snape Escape

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Original poster: pythia_delphi

Title:  Identity
Word Count: approx. 1000
Rating: PG
Characters: Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Lord Voldemort

Notes: A plot bunny that just wouldn’t let me be! My first foray into fanfic, so please be gentle! Concrit  and discussion are more than welcome. Slightly longer than the 1000 word-limit, but I enjoy living on the edge! Besides which, I have swiped a few lines straight from Deathly Hallows to tie into my yarn, so they don’t count, do they? :-)

Warnings: Deliberate skew(er)ing of canon

Summary: Lucius Malfoy is ordered by the Dark Lord to fetch Severus Snape to the Shrieking Shack. Snape obeys the summons.  But is all as it seems?

Obligatory Disclaimer: I don’t own any of it, I don’t make money off it. I only wish to pleasure Snape...ahem, I mean, restore the dignity he deserves. The great, glorious JKR created the characters, I merely treat them better (mostly). The lines you recognize from Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows are from the UK Edition, pages 516 & 525, and are in italics.

Identity )

November Challenge: The Great Snape Escape

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Original poster: sigune

I hope to be writing this in fic form one day, but I haven't been able to find the time to fic, lately, and now I'm about to be off on a short holiday to celebrate finishing a five years' project - so here goes in theory form.

No doubt everybody and their sister has been speculating about Snape and the Draught of Living Death. To my mind, that is one reason which makes the theory valuable. We were waiting for it. It would have been a logical, and perfectly plausible, development.

Draught + Kiss = Bliss )

November Challenge: The Great Snape Escape

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I hope to be writing this in fic form one day, but I haven't been able to find the time to fic, lately, and now I'm about to be off on a short holiday to celebrate finishing a five years' project - so here goes in theory form.

No doubt everybody and their sister has been speculating about Snape and the Draught of Living Death. To my mind, that is one reason which makes the theory valuable. We were waiting for it. It would have been a logical, and perfectly plausible, development.

Draught + Kiss = Bliss )

I hate to do this but...

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Original poster: gracilejenn

I'm afraid my eyeballs may fall out if I don't! I've searched DeviantArt, and did you realize there are over 19,000 pieces of Snape art? Amazing!

I'm looking for two pieces of fanart, and I'm afraid I don't know the artists' names.

The first is a commissioned piece, Snape was set on a diagonal I believe, and his shirt was open. It had very distinct lines, and amazing colors. I think his hair was longer than is usually portrayed. It was beautiful and I just wanted to see it again. I remember seeing it on LJ a few months ago. I'm sorry I don't have more details! I checked out the artist, and all I remember was that she was very sarcastic and funny.

The second was the Snape tattoo that was also posted a few months ago. It had strong lines and Snape holding a red phial. The curls of his hair were echoed in the lines of his robe. I'm looking for the artist, because I'd like to commission a piece.

I recently moved, and like a fool I didn't save my files to move over to my new computer!

Any help you can give would be absolutely most appreciated! Thanks!

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