
November 19th, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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November 19th, 2007

Robot! Snape

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Original poster: severed_lies

So, I  came upon this lovely article that states humans will love and marry robots by the mid-21st century:,139175-page,1/article.html

It seems that, although we may not be able to clone Snape, we just might have a chance at Robot!Snape.  If it came uploaded with full knowledge of alchemy and literature and was "fully functional", it sure would be a temptation! (Yikes, what a plot bunny this is.)

Which leads to my question: If cost was not a factor, would you want a Robot!Snape? 

About the "Snape"-picture

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Original poster: sander123

</a></b></a>[info]sylvanawood and an anonymous poster assume that it is not Snape but Sirius Black in Rowling's picture... :(  - and I think they are right! My view is perhaps too Snape-centric!!! (perhaps "perhaps" is not the right word) ;)). I'm so sorry for the confusion!

This would explain a lot! The out-of-prison-look for starters.

(But if that's the case Harry has to adjust his glasses, Sirius' hair is greasy, too :)). 

Edit: The Leaky-cauldron describes the sketch as "This pencil sketch was made originally by Jo for the for the BBC charity Children in Need in 1999. In the sketch, you can see Hagrid, Snape, Harry Ron Hermione, Professor McGonagall, along with Crookshanks, Dobby, the Sorting Hat, Fawkes, and a snitch." So perhaps not only my view is too Snape-centric ;)

The Shackles of Snape?

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Original poster: pythia_delphi

I was watching a really interesting documentary on ITV3 last night (here in the UK) on Arthur Conan Doyle called "The Shackles of Sherlock" (thanks so much to[info]hope_24 for pointing me in that direction) which got me wondering.  Much like JKR's ambivalence towards, or downright hatred of Snape, Conan Doyle seems to have had this really difficult relationship with his character Sherlock Holmes. Most of his contemporaries, and certainly the public, thought Sherlock was "a gift of a character"  to use JKR's terminology; however, Doyle loathed Sherlock's popularity and success, to the point where he prematurely killed him off, much to the public's dismay and disapproval. He was even sent hate mail calling him "a brute"! He was eventually forced to resurrect Holmes (funnily enough, there was no body and no funeral in his "death" either), but continued to downplay the character. He hated the fans who wrote to him and addressed him as Holmes, and throughout his life felt that Holmes had overshadowed his greater work (his historical novels and interest in the occult & spiritualism), and never realised that his genius came from his creation of this amazing character. Now I am a huge Holmes enthusiast and see many similarities between Holmes and Snape, so the fact that both authors seem to hate their respective characters with equal vehemence is rather a strange coincidence to me. Or is there something about this type of character that drains or otherwise taxes the author, and thereby leads them to seek emotional distance from them?  Any thoughts? 

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