
November 7th, 2007

The World of Severus Snape

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November 7th, 2007

Silly November Challenge Response: "On a Mission from God"

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Original poster: bluestocking79

Here is my rather cracked-out response to the question of How Snape Survived. I hope to have time to do a more serious response as well, but [info]starlightforest inspired me to write this for the Crossover Snape challenge on [info]snape100, and it occurred to me that since it fit this challenge as well, I might as well share it with all of you. It's a crossover with Dogma, which turned out to be strangely appropriate!

Title: On a Mission from God
Author: bluestocking79
Word Count: 300 (3 100-word drabbles)
Rating: PG
Characters: Severus Snape, The Metatron
Notes: Crossover with Dogma, inspired by [info]starlightforest’s request.
Warnings: Silliness, religious irreverence.

On a Mission from God )

The banners

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Original poster: sylvanawood

Do you remember our October Challenge?

Behind the cut is the link to my photobucket snapedom album, where you can find your banners. The one shown here is just the first in the row. Click on the banner below, that will bring you to the album. Scroll down a bit if you don't see the list, and then click on the image with your name twice in a row to get the full size. Download it if you want it.
If you are not in the list and think you should be, then for some reason, your entry wasn't tagged and I didn't find it. Please tell me and I'll have your banner up, too. Enjoy!

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