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The World of Severus Snape

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Bravo! I agree whole-heartedly with the other posters about this.

It certainly shines a spot-light on JKR's psyche. It would have been instructive to have been a fly on the wall during her school years: although she once said she resembled Hermione, I can't help thinking she may have been a Peter Pettigrew, hanging about on the outskirts of the "cool" kids group, allowed to be there so long as she was a sycophant.

Perhaps she convinced herself that the casual cruelties inflicted on others by the group she admired was somehow "justified" and that others deserved it for whatever reason for their own actions in fighting back. That sort of thing can truly warp a child's view of the world, and I believe this may be one of the reasons she wrote the HP series, as a means of exorcising her own demons.

Thanks for such a well-written and logical examination of the characters actions. Like everybody else who questions JKR and defends Snape, I had a lot of trouble digesting the meal JKR was trying to feed me with her long spoon!

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