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The World of Severus Snape

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Re: Secondhand wands

I think that the wand works as an amplifier, something as a corpus of piano, and at the same time as a focuser (? if this is the correct word ?). I have read somewhere it is possible to channel magic through any object in this world, so I suppose it could be possible to use one´s own body, e.g. fingers, too.
As i see it, magic is just another form of energy and if the thing with needles works for electric field (according to what I recall from my secondary school), it can work for magical field as well.
To say incantations aloud can help to focus the intention. It is a bit different to feel an idea only and to express it with words, the latter is more concrete (or specific?).
Than I think different spells require different amounts of energy and will power. So somethink easy, like, say, levitation of a quill, can be performed wandlessly and wordlessly even by an average wizard, but an AK cannot even by Voldemort or Dumbledore. As I see it, everybody has his maximum available amount of magical energy and will power. The more energy and intention one has, the more difficult spells can perform or wandlessly or wordlessly or both.
(Sorry for the terrible English.)
-- ioannina --
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