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The World of Severus Snape

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Hee hee. Thank you. ;-) It's always awesome to get the awesomesauce icon.

As I read, I was thinking to myself, now this is how Snape could have turned out, with a bit of understanding and guidance from a caring mentor, instead of someone who just wanted a pawn to manipulate.

Yep. That was the serious storyline that emerged from my original crack idea of, "If only Severus had been teaching in Seattle in 1991, nobody would have made fun of his hair, he'd have fit right in!" I really think the idea of "Dark Lords are made, not born," is an important one; in real life, Severus might not have found so utopian an environment, but in real life, he also might not have been coming from so thoroughly dystopian an environment to begin with. I mean, jeez. Even people with really crappy backgrounds usually have some highlights along the way, not relentless misery and rejection.

On the subject of wanting a pawn to manipulate, well, my theory is that Dumbles would have manipulated Severus no matter what he did or what he chose or how hard he decided to reform himself (see Severus Evans), so it's probably best for him just to get the hell out of there altogether. Oh, which reminds me, I loved that story you recced in which he goes to the school in Arizona. ;-) Should we stage a "Get the Hell Out of Hogwarts" fest sometime this fall or winter? :-D

Oh, and the letter from Lily cracked me up

Heh. Good. It was meant to. ;-)

particularly the reference to "Lily Sue"!

Heh again. ;-) Subtle as a ton-o-bricks nod to the fandom usage.

I truly believe that there's a bit of magic in music

Oh, absolutely. The scene in which Severus heals Draco in HBP is one of the most moving things in the entire series, and one of the few places in which we get a glimpse that there is a Real Human Being behind the Snarling Nasty Bastard. (So sorry to those who expected Severus to be nothing more than Snidely Whiplash with a teaching post, but... nope.) As I've said to other commenters, it's his students that invented the music; Seveus merely provided the inspiration to create--and the inspiration for the look they adopted--as a teacher they respected and looked up to. And yes, I think he could have been respected, and of course was respected among at least some of his Slytherins. But we rarely get to see that in canon, because we are looking through Gryffindor Eyes.

Thanks for the heads-up about the Pearl Jam song! Grunge really isn't my genre, so it's always good to know what's out there on themes I write about and discuss.
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