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The World of Severus Snape

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'true halfbloodedness' (you are aware that you try to insert your own value measure here, which just happens to be in Sev's favour?)

Um - that's a joke, right? This isn't a value judgement at all. It's just really, really bothered me from the very first book that *everyone* accepts the pureblood supremacists definition and calls kids like Harry - and Harry's kids, for that matter - half-bloods. Why?

And when you think of that - that Tonks, Teddy Lupin, Albus, Lily Jr, Harry, James Jr, Rose, Hugo, etc, are *all* considered half-bloods - it does rather put Rowling's numbers in perspective. I would not personally consider any of them half-bloods.

We have not seen all that many children of Muggles and Wizards. In no case that we know of was there a happy relationship between the Muggle and Wizarding parent. We have seen several Muggleborn/Wizarding marriages that seem happy and stable. That was my point.

It's a bit like Rowling's insistence that Severus lived and died an unrepentant bully. It just doesn't match what she shows us.
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