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The World of Severus Snape

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Racism, power, sexuality (2/2)

...Which is exactly what the HP story is saying, only with a little twist that says "biracial" is mystically a racial group *not* discriminated against by the bigoted racists of this society (so that James' bullying of Severus becomes somehow completely un-racist and *only* classist -- which in turn makes it okay) and Lily's rightful indignation at James' blatant racism is treated as a cute childish bickering between a girl and a boy not yet fully matured into adulthood, both of whom grow out of their respective foolishness -- or Lily does, anyway, enough to throw away her compunctions and marry James eventually. James meanwhile is apparently free to go on scaring Muggle policemen with fellow-pureblood Sirius after having ostensibly grown into his fully matured manhood.

Sorry for my rantish tone. It's just, it always makes me seethe when people are clueless enough to say "But James can't be racist at all. Look, he fell in love with Lily and married her!" Oh yes, and we know exactly how many rich Caucasian men marry girls from Asia, Russia, Western Europe, etc. precisely *because* they are racist and not in spite of it. (Many men, of course, intermarry without being motivated by racism. Hell, I have a racial kink of my own and wouldn't dream of castrating myself by categorically calling such desire racist by definition. I'm just saying that an ugly potential for a power component to this kink is *there*, even if most guys who revel on it likes to pretend there's no racist bone in their bodies... Pardon the pun.)

Speaking of kinks, is it just me, or does Sirius with his poster of Naughty Muggle Girls (who are helplessly immobile, unlike their wizarding counterparts) on his wall smack even more clearly of a privileged-race boy getting off on the racial power play? It also makes him seem like a hopeless case of a gay homophobe trying to channel his lust for a friend into a desire to emulate him... But if he were completely heterosexual I as a Muggle woman would never want to date him, his beautiful face be damned.
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