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The World of Severus Snape

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then wouldn't he, as you say, have provided for Lupin instead of letting the guy live in abject poverty?

To be fair: 21-year-olds who are murdered by dark wizards may not have had the forethought to make a will that says "and give $X/month to my high-school buddy who will have a hell of a time finding employment, should his life-threatening and contagious disease status become public knowledge."

Before Harry's 3rd year, I don't think we've got any indication that Lupin was having trouble finding employment. He wasn't wealthy, but wasn't exactly hurting, either. It's only after, when his condition becomes known, that he slides into poverty.

Other than that point, though, I agree; James was indeed a first-class bigot, an arrogant privileged jerk who expected to be at the top of the social order because he was born that way.
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