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The World of Severus Snape

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And if James hadn't rescued Snape in time, that would probably have spelled Lupin's destruction as well. I don't know what the wizarding laws are regarding werewolves who attack people, but I would imagine a sentence in Azkaban at the least.

And really, I have to agree with Snape on this. James did not do it to rescue him...James did it to save his own arse, not to mention Sirius. James certainly didn't show any interest in even Remus post-Hogwarts.

Or maybe it is just prejudice coming into play, and deep down, James and Sirius couldn't fully trust a werewolf and a half-blood (Lupin is both--a double strike against him).

Either that, or James did not have to "tolerate" a half-blood werewolf anymore because the werewolf couldn't turn him in. Otherwise, if they were so rich, why couldn't James include Remus in his home as he did Sirius, who *could* have gone out and gotten a job. And, as noted above, Rowling specifically says Remus was improvished "because no one wanted to employ a werewolf". No one obviously including James and the other oh-so-pure Order members.
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