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The World of Severus Snape

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the thought that Lily merely jumped from a superficial bigot who, given the right kind of mentoring, was capable of outgrowing it, into someone who was a dyed-in-the-wool bigot.

As much as I wanted to like Lily, the more I think about it, the less likeable I find her. And the idea that we should be equating blood prejudice with racism, complete with all the baggage, just ends up making me even more sympathetic to Severus. Just imagine being poor and ugly, and then facing racist attacks on your very existence (and that's just from the "good guys"). It makes his position as a student all the more precarious, and would certainly go quite some distance towards explaining (in a very unsympathetic to Hogwarts kind of way) just why the pureblood teachers like Dumbledore and McGonagall could not be bothered to intervene.

And then to have Lily excusing that behavior, all the while accusing *his* "friends" of making racist attacks on *her friends*. No wonder he was reduced to staring impotently at her.
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