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The World of Severus Snape

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(Coming late into this thread but nevertheless...)

Er, for me, Harry is a 'simple' boy who is not particularly bright or distinctive of nuances and is self-centered who thinks he is *right* even if facts are being thrown to his face. I also happen to see the 'context' of the conversation with Lord Voldermort-- he meant to piss off, enrage and humiliate Voldemort that his spy has fooled him for many years. Why else bring up this "Snape loved my mother and you were too foolish to see it" speech in front of all those spectators while they were about to duel? Of course, they were discussing Dumbles' death and how he was a 'better' man or whatever than LV but Harry need not bring that up. At least, that's how I see it.

I like to think Severus had those other women, yes, either out of necessity to keep up his act with LV or well....he is human, after all. I also think he deserved to have those women, because Lily is simply not worth it, IMHO ( I would not protest this devotion to her if she turned out to be a bit better than how JKR showed her in TPT and SWM, plus the 'flashback' on her death). No one like he loved Lily, of course, I can accept him pining for her all those years (how else could the Patronus and his 'always' answer, plus his crying bout over that letter to Sirius can be explained?) but... it's very plausible that he had other women, we are talking about almost 20 years here... not to mention his feelings as shown in their 5th year. Just because Severus isn't 'nice' and 'good looking' doesn't mean he had no kind of romantic/sexual relationship or experience after Lily, ever. Lots of people who have emotional problems, are plain, etc. do have relationships or experiences of varying degrees.

I *fully, totally*agree that the truth lies in between.
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