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The World of Severus Snape

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"He desired her, that was all," sneered Voldemort, "but when she had gone, he agreed that there were other women, and of purer blood, worthier of him-"

waitaminute. Snape's a half-blood, isn't he? and according to the DE ideology, a half-blood wasn't such a great thing to be. note how pissed Bellatrix got when Harry called Voldemort that, which makes it pretty clear that Voldemort did not advertise the fact (or Bellatrix was willfully blind/simply too nuts to see). therefore he might want to pretend that all his lieutenants were pure as well, and so he'd argue that "worthiness" was actually an issue when it came to Snape and "desire". IOW, he was BS-ing Harry and his audience (and presumably his DE's as well- somehow i doubt that all Snape's classmates thought he was a pureblood).

anyway, i can't see Snape getting it on with anyone, female or male, other than to keep up appearances. nor do i believe that his love for Lily was sexual. he became fixated on her before the age of 10, for heaven's sake- that's a little early for a boy to be feeling the stirrings of, well, pretty much anything.

and realistically- remember, this is CANON Snape- would all that many pureblood women have reciprocated his affection? we are NOT talking about the fabled Sex God of Slytherin here.
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