
Snape's possible career post Hogwarts

The World of Severus Snape

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Snape's possible career post Hogwarts

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Hi all. I think last week was successful as far as responses go. So this week, I'd like to know what Severus planned to do after Hogwarts, before he decided to make a career of Death Eating. We know he took his OWLs seriously, he seems to have been gifted with both potion making and spell creation. He's a dab hand at Dark Arts and healing them. I don't think teaching would have been his choice. Although, at a higher level, perhaps.

What sort of profession would Snape have gone into after Hogwarts, Dark Lord notwithstanding?

  • I see these other careers as perhaps being possibilities. Just some ideas.

    Owning and running an apothacary/potions shop at Diagon Alley (with someone else actually dealing with the customers.)

    Developing and marketing his own potions and spells.

    Tutoring the children of wealthy Wizarding families (the non- dunderheads, that is *g*)

    A for hire curse - breaker.

    Auror - (in an AU where he was never too involved with the Dark Arts. He has all the skills necessary for it. )

    Writing Wizarding fiction (this would be more of a hobby, I think, but it might earn him some money.)

    Working his way up as a stock and inventory boy at Flourish and Blotts and then evenutally owning the store or a chain of stores.

  • (Anonymous)
    I’m glad you mentioned healing the Dark Arts. I thought that was something very important we learned about Snape in the Half Blood Prince. I would think that in order to heal the Dark Arts a person would have to have knowledge about how they work. I think that the wizarding world may have not been so fearful about the knowledge of the Dark Arts prior to the rise of Voldermort. We know that Durmstang taught them and not everyone was evil there. Dumbldore even had some books about the Dark Arts stashed in his office. Knowledge of them doesn’t make a person evil it is using them that does.

    I guess the whole dark arts lost some of its evilness when Harry used the unforgivable in the Deathly Hallows. I guess they are not that unforgivable.

    I think he would be a researcher for creating spells and potions and also the counter spell and antidote. My guess is that during rise of Voldermort that many wizards were fearful, and any mention of the Dark Arts got them moving in the opposite direction.
  • I would think he would make a career out of potion-making to start, and do spell research and such in his spare time.
    Naybe a potion-maker for St Mungos?
  • I actually quite like the idea of him doing something in healing. The Death Eaters would have needed someone with healing knowledge (they couldn't exactly just waltz into St. Mungo's), and he would have had an extensive knowledge of the Dark Arts as well as poisons. He also seems to be a highly talented dueller, which would only give more knowledge of what his comrades in the DE would need if they were injured in a fight.

    Also, I can kind of see Healer!Snape in a Dr. House light. He doesn't have to be nice to his patients (especially if they're DE's), and a healer for the Death Eaters, would they really expect him to? Something useful that would utilize all of his talents and wouldn't necessarily be hindered by his faults.

    So I can kind of see, instead of him doing something as a real career (remember he was only, what, 21 when the war ended, so he would have been involved in the DE long before then) going on to have further education and making himself useful to the Death Eaters by providing them with healing in the way of potions & charms.
  • Agreed - I can easily see him being a healer, or else making potions for St. Mungos. But healer would be my first choice for him.

    BTW, anonymous, I personally think the Unforgivable curses are just exactly that bad. That Harry could perform them so easily, IMHO, says something rather negative about Harry - and also about Rowling's moral double standards. But we've had that debate before!
    • I’m anonymous and just created an account, which I should have done yesterday, but I was obviously having problems with the double post.

      I agree with you on all counts: Unforgivables being bad, it says something negative about Harry and Rowling’s moral double standards. I was just being kind of sarcastic. It was something that really bothered me in DH.
  • I was going to say I kind of like picturing him as a Healer, though he doesn't have much of a bedside manner, but I see ether_bunny has that covered with the House comparison. :) After all, if you were dying of a rare disease or curse, you'd choose the Healer with the best skills, not the best bedside manner. I see him as being quite stern with his patients, and having no patience (no pun intended) with the ones who can't follow his instructions or who don't take care of themselves properly.

    Other than that, I see him as a researcher, working on inventing new spells and potions, or maybe trying to re-create old spells/potions that modern wizards no longer know how to cast/brew.
  • Ether_Bunny, I can clearly see Snape working at St. Mungos, Dr. House style. My mind is brimming with ideas now.
    To stay on topic I can also see Snape as an Unspeakable. I think the position its self would satisfy his personality, although depending on what "project" is actually being done, may or may not be as fulfilling.
  • I could see Snape as a Healer, too. Dr. House!Snape was already mentioned, it's how I would picture him as well. :)

    Other than that, researcher isn't such a bad idea either. As he was already into inventing all kinds of spells at school, I imagine that he has a rather great interest into spells, how they work etc. and research + (re-)inventing would allow him to use all this.

    And I actually like the idea of Snape as a lecturer at Wizarding university (does that exist, btw.?). I think that older students would be much more able to appreciate Snape's competence and his knowledge than all the dunderheads at Hogwarts.
    • I think JKR said that there are no Wizarding universities, but there's no reason why they can't exist in fanfic--maybe Snape could start one! ;) Or if you want to stick to canon, he could select a few talented young wizards to be his apprentices. I think he'd be a much better teacher with someone who actually (1) wants to study Potions (or whatever subject he is teaching), and (2) has some real skill at it, than with the Hogwarts kids who are only taking the class because they're required to, regardless of whether they have any skill or desire for it. And I agree that the older students would be more likely to appreciate what he can teach them.
  • If DH hadn't shown in the end that very little in the wizarding world changed, I'd think that he might have been a great Unspeakable, working on all kinds of projects from healing to potions to teaching Defence to young Aurors.

    But they'd probably be too prejudiced for that, despite Harry's announcement, so I rather see him as a private researcher or potions manufacturer who is called as an advisor here and there, but never quite trusted. Or maybe he leaves the country and goes to places where he's more appreciated.

    (I made a tag for you. :) )
  • The professor's profession

    I've pictured Snape as holing up in a remote location and either doing mail-order potions or researching new potions/cures (such as for lycanthropy).

    If Snape doesn't retreat after the war, I'd see him as an Unspeakable. Who better for the job? He's already very good at keeping a secret.
    • Re: The professor's profession

      This post and the last couple have gotten a bit away from the original question. Not what he did after the final defeat of Voldie (since we know he survived, Harry was ALWAYS wrong about Snape!), but what would he have planned to do if he hadn't handed his future over to Voldie and Dumbles.

      My own guess is that that's part of why he did join Voldie--that there wasn't too much opportunity for an ambitious boy with his skills. I think his healing side was probably mostly suppressed while he was a student; his attention was turned increasingly to defense (and the best defense is...) and to proving himself. I think his taste was for research. But the Wizarding community is SMALL--who besides Voldie was funding a Dark Arts (or defense) R&D team or sponsoring original potions research?

      In the centuries before university, government, and corporation-funded research, almost all mathematicians and scientists were independently wealthy males. A small community doesn't support creative work or research, so only those who were supported without effort of their own could turn much of their attention to pure research. Or, as Melville said about fictrion writing, "Dollars damn me."

      Maybe the MoM sponsors some research; a lot of fanon assumes it, but we see nothing but bureaucratic departments in canon. We don't see universiities, and all businesses seem to be small and family-owned. I don't see anyplace Severus had an in; if he had any useful connections at all when he graduated outside his alliances with soon-to-be-Death-Eaters, we're never shown them.

      I think he'd have had to take an unsatisfying and poorly-paid position as an apothecary's assistant and hope eventually to publish some of his potions research.

      I don't think the wizard society we see really had any place to offer an ambitious, brilliant, creative but poor and unconnected boy: one reason why an organization that promised to turn that society upside down might have appealed.
  • I think directly after Hogwarts Snape would have been actively seeking entry into a research apprenticeship of some kind. He always had tremendous drive to excell. I think he would have been most interested in proving himself in some field--probably Dark Arts-related research like spell creation or potions, but defense against them, of course! Even though I doubt he would have seen himself as a teacher, I think of Snape as a dyed-in-the-wool academic. I think he actually would have gotten along quite well with other research-geeks. All you have to do to get along with Snape is exhibit intellectual brilliance...I mean really, is that so hard? *grin*
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