Snape After Deathly Hallows Fest

January 27th, 2008

03:40 pm - [info]purpleygirl - FIC: The Best of Him [gen, Snape/Lily background] PG-13

Title: The Best of Him
Author: [info]purpleygirl
Type: Fiction, set during DH.
Length: 3700 words
Pairings: Gen, but Snape/Lily in a way
Warnings: Mention of thwarted suicide; minor (original) character torture and death.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Phineas knows where Potter is. Now all Snape has to do is carry out his plan.
Notes: Written for the [info]snape_after_dh fest, prompt the silver doe (believe it or not, despite being a tiny bit late :P). Huge thanks to [info]talloakslady, [info]sigune and [info]klynie1 for their invaluable beta help and for pushing me to rewrite even though I was sick of the damn thing already. Much of the dialogue in the familiar scenes is from DH.
I also want to thank [info]rexluscus for writing and sharing her essay on the doe scene in Chapter 19 of DH (for which the opening quote from DH is included below as a parallel between Snape’s and Harry’s view of the doe). It was about the only thing that cheered me up after the book, and as this story was inspired by it, it owes just about everything to her essay.

Snape had known that his would be a doe
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