Snape After Deathly Hallows Fest

December 11th, 2007

11:25 pm - [info]majmunka - Sculpture - second attempt or starting obsession

It never occured to me before my first attempt but I enjoy modelling Snape immensely. Well, it shouldn't be such a surprise - all that touching, petting, stroking... mmmm....
Quite possibly I would be ended up having a whole collection of Snapes.
I have to admit it's a WIP but I'm not sure it will be finished ever so I decided to introduce him it to you.

Title: Young Snape
Artist: majmunka
Type: Fanart
Pairing: no, just Snape
Warnings: none
Rating: G
A/N: Unburned clay
A/N2: The Nose is different now, not so hooked (he is much younger here), but the mouth... errrr... maybe -just a little bit- pouting again. I swear I tried.

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