Snape After Deathly Hallows Fest

October 15th, 2007

12:09 am - [info]shannon730 - fic: Stopper Death (snape, hermione) 1/1

Title: Stopper Death
Author: Shannon
Type: Fiction
Length: 2411
Pairings: (no pairing) Snape, Hermione

This is for the prompt Stopper Death

And thank you to [info]emeraldswan and [info]angelskuuipo for betaing this for me.

You are here to learn the subtle science
And exact art of potion-making.
As there is little foolish wand-waving here,
Many of you will hardly believe this is magic.
I don’t expect you will really understand
The beauty of the softly simmering cauldron
With its shimmering fumes,
The delicate power of liquids that
creep through human veins,
bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses…
I can teach you how to bottle fame,
Brew glory, even stopper death…

Stopper death

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12:12 am - [info]dracofiend

Title: The Silver Doe
Author: [info]dracofiend
Link: The Silver Doe
Type: Fic
Length: ~7400
Pairing: HP/SS
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Harry asks to see the silver doe again.

The Silver Doe

12:13 am - [info]thescarletwoman - [FIC] Lily's Eyes -- Snape/Lily (PG-13)

Title: Lily's Eyes
Author: [info]thescarletwoman
Type: Fiction
Word Count: 3200
Pairings: Snape/Lily
Warnings: None.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: No matter where Severus goes, he always is haunted by Lily's eyes.
Disclaimer: Lyrics taken from "Lily's Eyes" from the Broadway musical The Secret Garden. Some lines of dialogue taken from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone published by Bloomsbury/Scholastic.
Author's Notes: I have been wanting to write a fic where I could use the lyrics from "Lily's Eyes" as a jumping off point and consequently eagerly gobbled up this request. As a note, this is NOT a songfic. Merely a fic inspired by lyrics. Of course, a thank you to my wonderful beta, [info]rose_whispers who keeps me from using those pesky repetitive words every paragraph.

Lily's Eyes )

12:38 am - [info]snape_dh_mod - A modly reminder: posting older work at the Fest

We're pleased to see that the Fest has already attracted some promising contributions, and want to thank those who have posted already.

But we also wanted to remind potential contributors that the Fest is only for new stories and art that haven't been previously posted elsewhere. Several people did ask about this during the prompt claims period, and we told them that if they had a story they'd already written and posted elsewhere, that they couldn't also then post it at the Fest.

So, we'd like to ask participants to respect this, and please don't repost work here that was posted elsewhere some time ago. Like all fests, this one was designed to inspire and encourage new stories and art.

Thanks for your understanding on this!

06:04 am - [info]nimrod_9

 Title: Lather, Rinse, Repeat
Author: nimrod_9
Type: Fiction
Length: 904
Pairings: mentions of Remus/Severus
Warnings: mentions of frottage
Series: No – One-shot
Rating: R
Prompt: Severus is confronted by shampoo. 


08:46 am - [info]sansa1970 - Fic: Life in Kind

Title: Life in Kind
Author: [info]sansa1970
Length: 10,487 words
Pairings: HP/SS
Rating: NC17
Summary: Harry believes Snape deserves to be immortalised. As usual, he rushes in where angels fear to tread.
Notes: Written for the [info]snape_after_dh prompt: Snape is dead, but Harry still owes him, and he'll do anything to repay his debt. Beta read by the exceptional [info]secretsolitaire and the inestimable [info]empathic_siren. Thank you for finding my many embarrassing mistakes and for your constructive suggestions.

Life in Kind

10:08 am - [info]daughter_moon - Fic: for prompt 'Snape is reincarnated as a magical creature'

Title: Burning Day
Author: Daughter_Moon
Type: Fiction
Length: About 7000 words
Pairings: Harry/Ginny, Harry/Snape
Warnings: None
Series: No
Rating: PG-13
Summary: When looking for a birthday present for Albus, Harry and Lily come across a phoenix, who Lily promptly names Severus.
Notes: Information about phoenixes taken from ‘Magical Creatures and Where to Find Them’. A short paragraph contains some quotes from the epilogue of Deathly Hallows, but I’m sure you’d spot them anyway. Super-fast beta by the totally awesome lesyeuxverts. Thank you so much!

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12:37 pm - [info]snape_dh_mod - For those with an artistic sensibility and a sense of humor!

[info]snapeartcontest are hosting an art challenge (with permission) in conjunction with [info]snape_after_dh

The snapeartcontest rules )

To read the full post in situ, to ask questions, or to join [info]snapeartcontest, please visit the community here.

01:09 pm - [info]regasssa

Title: Trapdoors
Author: Regasssa - at hotmail dot com
Type: Art
Length: Two images 520x850
Pairings: Severus/Harry and Severus/Regulus

Warnings: Canon, so Snape's Death Scene.

Series: No
Rating: PG-13 for blood
Summary: My prompt was First Kiss/Last Kiss. The theme I chose was Trapdoor.
Notes: I finished this four days after I chose the prompt, so I'm a little hyper about it. Harry's face annoyed me so much I asked my sister for help.

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Please let me know what you think!

08:46 pm - [info]rakina - Fic for prompt virgin!Snape: Half A Man

Title: Half A Man
Author: Rakina, [info]rakina
Link: rakina. insanejournal. com/144269 .html (cut and paste into your browser without spaces)
Type: fiction
Summary: When Severus Snape died, he was a virgin; he'd never recovered from Lily's death. And that should have been the end of it. But it wasn't...
Pairings: Severus Snape/Harry Potter
Rating: NC17
Word Count: 20,806
Beta: [info]hel_bee, thank you for your inestimable input, Hel. You repeatedly save me from my own follies.
Author Notes: Written for [info]snape_after_dh, to the prompt of that good old fanon cliché: virgin!Snape, which, to my mind, seems rather more likely after the revelations of the final book. My first effort at this one; I'm working my way through these old favourites, one by one. Cross-posted.
Disclaimer: The world of Harry Potter, its characters and settings are the copyrighted works of J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., her publishing companies and affiliates. No profit was made from the writing of this story.

Read it at: rakina. insanejournal. com/144269. html (cut and paste into browser without spaces)
Sorry about the odd links, I couldn't get the a href ones to work.

08:59 pm - [info]chaeche - What You Are

Title: What You Are
Author: [info]chaeche
Link: Watch on YouTube or Download
Type: Fanvid (I guess that's art)
Length: Under 8 minutes
Pairings: Both Snarry and Snily implied
Warnings: Death, Bisexual!Snape, clips from HP movies and other films, a bit of blood
Rating: R
Summary: My prompt = Severus's last memories are preserved in a special container, which later spills.
What I was thinking )
Notes: Thanks to [info]ook who suggested I use Young Sherlock Holmes as my Young Snape. Also I used a lot of footage from other movies so there are inconsistencies. I know that Young!Lily is not blond and that Teenager!Snape does not have curly hair.

09:31 pm - [info]winterthunder - Interview Transcript 1960

Title: Wizarding Wireless Interview Transcript 1960
Author: [info]winterthunder
Type: Fiction
Length: 954
Pairings: Gen
Warnings: Rita Skeeter in all her glory
Series: No
Rating: G
Summary: Rita Skeeter visits the studios of Wizarding Wireless to promote her new book The Secrets and Soul of Severus Snape.

Hello, and welcome to Wizarding Wireless' Words with Winolda Wimple! )
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