Snape 100

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March 2nd, 2020

ellid @ 07:50 am: Title: The Wedding Industry, I
Prompt: Gender equality
Word Count: 100

Gradually the school adjusted to the new students, while the students adjusted to Hogwarts. The hoarding ceased, the alienists did their work, and life returned to a semblance of normal.

That meant spring Quidditch, preparation for exams…and, as Septima gently pointed out, preparations for their wedding that summer. “Wedding robes, license, the wedding breakfast, music, choosing a hall or church, the honeymoon….”

Severus watched her page through a magazine as thick as a textbook. “Witch Weekly Wedding Book? Good heavens, what is that, 200 pictures of robes?”

“If only it were that simple,” she said, and handed him the magazine.

March 1st, 2020

alisanne @ 02:49 pm: Challenge #834: Snape and Gender Equality
This issue may be one the magical world doesn't have. Or do they? We see women in canon doing many important jobs after all. So, how does Snape feel about women's rights? However you see it, this week we'll discuss Snape and Gender Equality.

(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal and dreamwidth.)

Current Mood: working

February 28th, 2020

ellid @ 07:50 am: Title: Refugees, XXVIV
Prompt: food insecurity
Word Count: 100

Severus knocked on the door of Septima’s office. She looked up from a lesson plan and broke into a radiant smile.

“Darling! It’s so good to see you!” She hurried to him. “What a surprise! I thought there was a Head of House meeting.”

“There was.” He let her lead him to the sofa as he told her about the food hoarding, and the eventual vote to hire an alienist. “My dear, there’s something I need to tell you.”

She gave his hands a gentle squeeze. “Go ahead.”

“When I a child, we sometimes didn’t have enough to eat – “

February 27th, 2020

ellid @ 07:47 am: Title: Refugees, XXVIII
Prompt: food insecurity
Word Count: 100

“It doesn’t matter how we give them, either,” said Pomona. She’d arrived with even more stories of children stealing food from the kitchen or the dining tables, the older ones putting whole pantries under preservation charms while the younger ones ate until they were sick. Others had begun force-growing staple crops in the greenhouses even though none of the elves knew how to cook African foods properly. “Is something wrong with the translation charms? I’ve tried telling them – “

“They’re traumatized, Pomona,” said Severus. He clenched his fists under the table. “That takes more than translation charms. Hire an alienist.”

February 26th, 2020

ellid @ 07:48 am: Title: Refugees, XXVII
Prompt: food insecurity
Word Count: 100

“They’re hoarding food,” Severus said without preamble as he walked into Minerva’s office and took his seat.

“Hoarding – the Uagadou students?” Minerva dropped into her chair with a distinct creak of the springs. “Are you quite certain?”

“Filius told me that one of his prefects has been complaining for weeks about crumbs being tracked all over the Ravenclaw common room. I checked with the other prefects and the cleaning elves.” Severus forced back the memory of having to sneak food from the kitchen after his father got drunk. “They’re so frightened of another raid that they’re stocking up for emergencies.”

February 25th, 2020

ellid @ 07:48 am: Title: Refugees, XXVI
Prompt: food insecurity
Word Count: 100

Memorandum from Minerva McGonagall to Severus Snape:

I have received several complaints from the kitchen elves about food going missing, even though the Board of Governors approved a substantial increase in the food budget thanks to our guest students and parents. Please look into this, as it is unlikely that the Governors will approve a second increase.

Thank you.


Of course. What is the time frame? The Uagadou potions curriculum is different from ours that I’ve had to devote considerable time to tutoring the refugees.


I have a budget meeting scheduled with the Governors in one week’s time.

February 23rd, 2020

alisanne @ 03:00 pm: Challenge #833: Snape and Food Insecurity
This remains a huge problem for many in the Muggle world, and I imagine it affects magical society as well. After all, while they can do many things using magic, they can't create food that way. So how do they deal with this problem? Do they ignore it? Are there magical food banks? And how does Snape specifically address this problem? However you see it, this week we'll discuss Snape and Food Insecurity.

(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal and dreamwidth.)

Current Mood: thoughtful

February 21st, 2020

ellid @ 07:46 am: Title: Refugees, XXV
Prompt: institutional homophobia
Word Count: 100

“Some of the Wizards agreed with the law,” said Aurora Sinistra. All heads turned as she entered the room. She’d been on sabbatical in Africa and still wore traveling robes. “One of my mother’s cousins was in the town when the raid took place. She barely escaped.”

“They turned on their own?” Severus had come to terms with Muggles long since – the Dark Lord had truly been mad, and the Death Eaters fanatics – but actively allying with them against Wizards?

“Not every country agrees with Britain about social issues.” Aurora gratefully accepted a cup of tea. “That includes homosexuality, unfortunately.”

February 20th, 2020

ellid @ 07:52 am: Title: Refugees, XXIV
Prompt: institutional homophobia
Word Count: 100

“Headmaster Zaake has been released from hospital and will be joining us at Hogwarts until it’s safe to return to Uagadou,” Minerva told the faculty during a meeting the next day. “His partner, Professor Wasswa, disappeared during the attack and hasn’t been seen since.”

“Wasswa? The Defense teacher?” Severus could not help interjecting. “He specialized in battle magic. How could even Muggles defeat him?”

“It wasn’t the Muggles this time,” said Minerva. She looked so weary. “It was a group from a local mixed Muggle/Wizarding village. They have a strict law against homosexuality, you know.”

“But surely the Wizards – “

February 19th, 2020

ellid @ 07:49 am: Title: Refugees, XXIII
Prompt: institutional homophobia
Word Count: 100

“And now they want to export their bigotry to us.” Severus’ father had spoken angrily about “poofs swishing around acting like they own the world,” but Severus had rejected that along with Toby’s other bad habits, like excessive drink and blacking his wife’s eyes. “Fanatics and fools.”

Septima pressed his hand to her lips. “The Supreme Mugwump is bringing in specialists from Castelbruxo to seal the Floo network until the map is found and destroyed. They had to do something similar during the Dirty War when a government liaison betrayed them.”

He leaned into her touch, too angry to speak.

February 18th, 2020

ellid @ 07:52 am: Title: Refugees, XXII
Prompt: institutional homophobia
Word Count: 100
Note: King James I was almost certainly bisexual; in addition to his extremely tolerant queen, he had relationships with another woman and at least three men. The most important of these was with George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, whom he called “Steenie.”

“’Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live’? ‘Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination’?” Severus tossed the Prophet aside. “That is why they massacred a school and a whole village? Dunderheads, King James himself had Steenie – “

“I know, darling, I know.” Septima gestured at the paper, which obediently folded itself and floated over to the tea table. She slid into the chair opposite him and took his hand in both of hers. “The Muggles in that area have laws against homosexuality, you know. Throw in religious fanaticism and you can guess what happened.”

February 17th, 2020

ellid @ 07:58 am: Title: Refugees, XXI
Prompt: institutional homophobia
Word Count: 100

The news from Africa was bad. The Covenant of the Militant Lord had come within an inch of capturing the map Uagadou’s Floo network, so Supreme Mugwump Akingbade had suspended the continental transportation system. Whole villages had joined their children at foreign schools until the crisis had passed.

Severus was so busy settling the newcomers that he scarcely had time to listen to the WWN, let alone read the papers. It wasn’t until Septima all but shoved a copy of the Prophet in front of him that he realized what the COML planned for the Wizarding World as a whole.

February 16th, 2020

alisanne @ 02:25 pm: Challenge #832: Snape and Institutional Homophobia
While public sentiment has changed on this topic, one imagines the WW lags behind the Muggle about such questions. Or do they? Perhaps they are more advanced, and the LGBTQ community is more accepted in the workplace and socially. However you see it, this week we'll discuss Snape and Institutional Homophobia.

(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal and dreamwidth.)

Current Mood: thoughtful

February 14th, 2020

ellid @ 07:51 am: Title: Refugees, XX
Prompt: wealth inequality
Word Count: 100

“My thanks for caring for my children.” A man in torn robes clasped Minerva’s hands. His cheeks were sunken from hunger. “I would take them home, but the rebels – “

“Come, sit with us,” said Minerva, leading him to the Head Table. A few other Uagadou parents, both rich and poor, had also made their way to Hogwarts once they learned their children had survived the attack. “Professor Snape?”

“The elves have prepared the guest quarters. They are not luxurious – “

“We are alive,” said a woman who had been the wealthiest witch in Africa. “That is all that matters.”

February 12th, 2020

ellid @ 07:46 am: Title: Refugees, XIII
Prompt: wealth inequality
Word Count: 100

Septima had office hours, so it was up to Severus to pick up sample wedding invitations at Scrivenshaft’s. It had taken longer than anticipated due to all the congratulations he’d received from the staff, which was why he emerged from the shop just in time to see Tisiphone Carrow berating a group of terrified Uagadou students.

“Go back to Africa, you revolting little mud-grubbers,” she hissed, wand darting from child to child. “We don’t need charity cases here! Go earn your money like decent – “

“Tisiphone.” Severus grabbed her wrist and forced her wand downwards. “You need to leave. Now.”

February 11th, 2020

ellid @ 07:50 am: Title: Refugees, XII
Prompt: wealth inequality
Word Count: 100

The new students were intelligent and talented, and they worked hard to catch up after the initial shock of their situation had worn off. Most had limited funds after the attack of the school, which was a distinct problem during the first Hogsmeade weekend of the term.

Fortunately the Headmistress’ discretionary fund allowed the newcomers a few sickles apiece to spend however they wished. Minerva and Severus made sure that each child received the same allowance, gave them maps of the town, and sent them on their way.

Unfortunately one of the Carrow cousins was in Hogsmeade shopping that day…..

February 10th, 2020

ellid @ 07:44 am: Title: Refugees, XI
Prompt: wealth inequality
Word Count: 100

“There’s a letter to the editor decrying the presence of refugee students on the grounds that they’ll become a public charge.” Septima passed the newspaper to Severus. “Of course it’s by one of the Carrows who managed to stay out of jail.”

“I’m surprised it’s not by Lucius Malfoy.” Severus resisted the temptation to burn the offending letter out of the newspaper. “And no, we’re not asking him to the wedding. Draco yes, but Lucius is another matter.”

“We could always seat him at the same table as Uncle Gersonides and his Crunchy Frogs.” Septima said, and they both laughed.

February 9th, 2020

alisanne @ 05:29 pm: Challenge #831: Snape and Wealth Inequality
Money is certainly an important consideration in the magical world, and we all know Snape's mean family circumstances when he was growing up. Now that he's an adult, how does Snape deal with people much better off? Or worse off? Would he be a proponent of narrowing the wealth gap? However you see it, this week we'll discuss Snape and Wealth Inequality.

(Remember: drabble posts now appear on livejournal and insanejournal and dreamwidth.)

Current Mood: okay

February 7th, 2020

ellid @ 07:52 am: Title: Refugees, X
Prompt: epidemic
Word Count: 100

“I’ve just received word from Beauxbatons,” Severus told Minerva over lunch. “It’s the same situation. Traumatized children who won’t leave their rooms, one or two afraid to use their wands – “

“The news from Durmstrang is similar, plus the children are ill from the sudden change in climate. Poppy is owling them a shipment of medication.”

“What about the American schools?” Severus said at last. “Any word?”

“Minerva!” Pomona, all but tears, burst in without knocking. “We’ve just received an owl from Groom Lake. A rich alumnus is trying to force the refugees to leave, something about ‘illegal immigration’- “

February 6th, 2020

ellid @ 07:50 am: Title: Refugees, IX
Prompt: epidemic
Word Count: 100

The next morning the Oagadou students, all in donated uniforms, some with replacement wands, joined the Hogwarts students in the Great Hall for breakfast. The youngest clung to their older friends, shrinking away from all the unfamiliar students, and more than one broke down sobbing as the Red Wand volunteers brought news of family or teachers.

“The violence – it’s an epidemic.” Minerva had spent much of the night going from House to House checking on her new charges. “That part of African is being torn apart. Religious cults, drought, warlords – it’s a miracle the Unplottable charm held as long as it did.”

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