Snape 100


January 21st, 2020

ellid @ 07:55 am: Title: Reactions, II
Prompt: blood purity
Word Count: 100

Hermione Granger-Weasley

“You’re marrying Professor Snape?” Hermione’s eyes widened. “I’d no idea you were close.”

Professor Vector smiled the radiant smile of a woman in love. “It was those Muggle films – we enjoy the same ones, and, well. Things developed from there.”

“That’s lovely,” said Hermione. “Your families approve?”

“Certainly,” said Professor Vector. “The only one who muttered something about ‘blood purity’ was Great-Uncle Theophrastus, and he’s three-quarters gaga. My parents are delighted.”

Ron’s cousin Mafalda had tried to stop Bill’s wedding, and boycotted Hermione’s entirely. “That’s wonderful news,” she told her favorite professor, suppressing a stab of envy. “Wonderful.”

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