Snape 100


December 3rd, 2019

ellid @ 07:39 am: Title: Home for the Holidays, II
Prompt: ice skating
Word Count: 100

Severus did not love it.

Oh, he could tolerate most of the Christmas nonsense his beloved claimed was traditional at Gematria House – he did enjoy a good mince pie – but he could barely sing, let alone fa-la-la-la without making a fool for himself. As for ice skating….

“The only time I ever tried was thirty years ago, and I fell flat on my face and broke my nose,” he complained to Xiomara Hooch after quidditch practice. “You’re the closest this school has to an athletic coach. What should I do?”

“Relearn to skate, of course,” said Xiomara, brisk as ever.

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