Snape 100


December 2nd, 2019

ellid @ 07:53 am: Title: Home for the Holidays, I
Prompt: ice skating
Word Count: 100

There hadn’t been a faculty wedding in decades, not since the Queen’s own nuptials had sparked a wave of weddings (and, predictably enough, a wave of babies about a year later). Severus No longer spoke to his Prince relatives and barely had a nodding acquaintance with the Snapes, so he had no problem with marrying at the school.

Septima was another matter.

The Vectors were a happy, prosperous clan, with a smallish country house and all the accompanying winter, Solstice, and Christmas traditions. “Caroling, mince pies, Yule logs, ice skating – we do it all,” Septima told Severus. “You’ll love it.”

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