Snape 100


September 27th, 2019

ellid @ 07:43 am: Title: Muppets Are Not House Elves, V
Prompt: Die Hard
Word Count: 100

Fortunately Hagrid was out of town for the screening. Severus was not, and sat snickering at inappropriate times until Septima cast a modified quietus on him. “We enjoy mocking a wretched film, but that doesn’t mean I need to tolerate him joking about elf breeding for ninety minutes,” she murmured to Minerva on the way out.

“I trust in your judgment,” Minerva murmured back. “Well done, Professor.”

“My thanks,” said Septima. She strolled over to Severus, smiled, and slipped her arm through his elbow. “Fancy a drink?”

“Or two,” he muttered, and let her lead him off to her quarters.

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