Snape 100


September 20th, 2019

ellid @ 07:55 am: Title: Synchronicity, V
Prompt: Die Hard
Word Count: 100

“That was the most – “


“I was going to say ‘appalling’ experience but that goes without saying.” Minerva glanced over at Severus. He was still dazed after realizing that the nickname “Hans Gruber” would follow him for years to come, and had taken refuge in a wing chair while Septima plied him with tea. “Good heavens, what can we do? Obliviating the entire student body is not an option.”

“No, of course not.” Poppy Pomfrey, who had dosed the tea with a Spirit Raising Solution, lowered her voice. “The actor actually doesn’t resemble him. Much.”

“Try telling Severus that!”

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