Snape 100


September 19th, 2019

ellid @ 07:46 am: Title: Synchronicity, IV
Prompt: Die Hard
Word Count: 100

Severus jerked, brows knotting. “What?”

“Hans – Hans Gruber,” said the prefect. He closed his eyes, visibly resigning himself to his fate. “He looks like you. Or you look like him. Whichever.”

“You sound like him, too, sir,” piped up a fourth year from somewhere in the center rows. “He has a beard and his hair is the wrong color, but his voice is just – “

“What nonsense. I most certainly do not look like a random movie actor pretending to be a terrorist – “

“Who said we were terrorists?” intoned Hans Gruber, chuckling, and the entire theater erupted in laughter.

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