Snape 100


September 11th, 2019

ellid @ 07:51 am: Title: Childhood, III
Prompt: Toy Story
Word Count: 100

“I don’t know what’s wrong.” Septima Vector sat disconsolately at the staff table, an untouched cup of tea cooling before her. “He mumbled something about a potion on the burner, got up, and left. He won’t open his door, either.”

“Oh, Septima,” said Minerva, reaching over to clasp the younger woman’s hands. “Have you tried flooing him? Sending an owl?”

“He closed his Floo.” Tears gleamed in Septima’s eyes. “I thought – I thought – “

She gave up entirely, buried her face in her hands, and began to sob, very quietly. Minerva conjured a handkerchief and wondered what had gone wrong.

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