Snape 100


August 14th, 2019

ellid @ 07:51 am: Title: Disturbing Content, III
Prompt: Inception
Word Count: 100

Neither man spoke for several seconds. “I apologize for speaking ill of a colleague,” the Muggle Studies professor said, a touch stiffly. “It certainly was not my intent.”

Severus nodded, very slowly. “Thank you. Professor Vector is a fellow cinema fan and a valued faculty member. Her relationship with me is not relevant to which film we should screen next.”

“Agreed,” said the Muggle Studies Professor. They shook hands. “Now. About Inception – “

“Good heavens,” murmured Filius as the conversation finally shifted out of the danger zone. “Talk about ‘disturbing’!”

“I’m so very glad we have a staffroom,” said Minerva.

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