Snape 100


June 13th, 2019

ellid @ 07:50 am: Title: A Long Time Ago, in a Cinema Far, Far Away IV
Prompt: Star Wars
Word Count: 100

“I know her. I’ve seen her before. I know it!” Minerva paced back and forth before Albus’ portrait. “Albus. Who is she? Why won’t Severus introduce her to the faculty?”

“Perhaps he wishes to keep his personal life separate from his work,” said her predecessor, contemplating a hank of yarn. He’d spent much of his time since his death knitting an elaborate parlor throw in eye-searing colors, and the latest section seemed doomed to be chartreuse. “Perhaps he met her in Europe?”

“She speaks perfect English, so she almost certainly is an alumna.” Minerva scowled. “I wish he’d tell us.”

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