Snape 100


June 12th, 2019

ellid @ 07:53 am: Title: A Long Time Ago, in a Cinema Far, Far Away III
Prompt: Star Wars
Word Count: 100

Minerva was about to ask how Severus had managed to sneak out of school during exams when a woman glided up. She wore an elaborate gown, heavy makeup that turned her face into an unreadable mask, and an outlandish headdress larger than the side coils sported by half the girls in the school. Severus broke into a slightly unnerving smile.

“You’re just in time, my dear.” He made a sweeping reverence, then bowed over her hand. “Senator Amidala, I presume?”

“Sharp eyes, Severus. Shall we?”

“Indeed,” he said, and escorted her into the cinema before Minerva could say a word.

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