Snape 100


April 2nd, 2019

ellid @ 07:47 am: Title: Cricket, Anyone? II
Prompt: cricket
Word Count: 100
Note: It’s also yet another Motherless Child ficlet, because I can’t seem to quit those two no matter how much I try. This one mainly concerns Severus’ Muggle relatives.

Alison Snape-Mathews was all of ten, with a mass of curly dark blonde hair, the sharp Snape features, and an athlete’s easy walk. “We’re so proud of her,” Gemma murmured to Severus as Remus fell into a conversation about American baseball with a visitor from Los Angeles. “We’re hoping she keeps up with it – she has a natural talent, she does.”

Severus watched as Alison took her place in the pitch, feet barely touching the ground. “That she does,” he murmured back, surreptitiously casting a charm to keep her from leaving the ground in front of Muggles. “That she does.”

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