Snape 100


February 28th, 2019

ellid @ 07:50 am: Title: Wizexit, IV
Prompt: Brexit
Word Count: 100
Note: this is another Motherless Child series, wherein Snape and Lupin marry and have a child. Their son, John, is now about fifteen.

“The Malfoys? They live in Europe, or at least Narcissa and Lucius do. They’ve barely left Strelsau in twenty years.” Severus barely noticed when Maggie came through the fire and joined them. “Britain cutting contact with the Continent means they never see Draco and his family.”

“According to this, the Wizengamot also considered legislation extraditing Lucius and other exiled Death Eaters,” said Remus, flipping to an interior page. “If this article is correct, the Malfoy family representative promptly began lobbying to revive the Wizexit cause, which would stop the extradition effort cold.”

Severus hissed out a breath. “I’ll call Draco.”

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