Snape 100


December 19th, 2018

ellid @ 07:52 am: Title: Yet Another Invitation, XIII
Challenge: The Sacred Twenty-Eight
Word Count: 100

The problem with far too many young scions of the Sacred Twenty-Eight was not that they were arrogant, inbred, self-important twits. Severus had managed to educate most of his Slytherins on the virtues of hard work, study, and practice, and for every Vincent Crabbe losing control of his Fiendfyre, there was a Pansy Parkinson working overseas and doing well, or a Draco Malfoy marrying for love despite familial curses and finding a measure of happiness.

No, the problem was the sheer laziness of relying solely on the old ways, as Severus found out when he analyzed the Assembly's so-called wards.

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