Snape 100


February 22nd, 2018

ellid @ 07:31 am: Title: The Buddy System, IV
Challenge: Resolution: Make new friends
Word Count: 100

Pomona's new apprentice was not claustrophic, nor did he faint at the sight of the pike and trout and greylings swimming past the Slytherin Common Room window. He was polite, calm, and confident, and he knew more about plants (including the exotics Severus had to import from Africa and South America) than anyone except possibly Pomona herself.

He was the perfect apprentice, and Severus was not surprised when Pomona confided that she was hoping he'd stay on after this year so she could take a long-delayed sabbatical, or even retire.

There was only one problem: his name was Neville Longbottom.

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