Snape 100


September 5th, 2017

ellid @ 07:44 am: Title: The Evaluation Committee, VI Challenge: Hogwarts: A History Word Count: 100 Excerpt from The Inverness Wand entitled ANGRY PARENTS PROTEST HOGWARTS CHANGES: ...”absurd,” said Hogwarts Old Folks spokeswoman Hermione Granger. “Several of the textbooks automatically update themselves on a yearly basis, like Hogwarts: A History. It's not the same book as it was in my day, let alone when, say, Professor Snape was at school....” Severus banged the newspaper down on his lab table. Why had Granger implied that he was the relic with the out of date book? Why not Filius? Minerva? Binns? “I'm one of the youngest faculty members,” he snarled, then reached for the red Howler paper.

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