Snape 100


June 1st, 2017

ellid @ 07:54 am: Title: Field Trip, III
Challenge: Nurmengard
Word Count: 100
Note: this is yet another Motherless Child ficlet, where Snape and Lupin are married and adopt a child. This one explores Severus' history and may be triggering due to historical references.

The view from outside the gates was classic German countryside: half-timbered houses, cobbled streets, a neatly kept Lutheran church, all surrounded by rolling fields and nicely maintained roads. Some would have called it “bucolic.”

“How did they not know?” Nurmengard had never been an extermination camp, but one section had housed Allied POW's from the wizarding auxiliaries. Some had even managed to escape. “The smell, the smoke, the guards - “

“Concealment charms? Remember, most of the locals are Muggles,” said Remus. The wind blew a lock of graying hair across his cheek.

“Even Muggles have eyes.”

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