Snape 100


April 14th, 2017

ellid @ 07:53 am: Title: House of Pain, V
Challenge: Gaunt House
Word Count: 100
Note: this follows House of Secrets.

The moon had risen when Severus, a transformed Lupin in tow, apparated to stand outside the tangled heap of vines that shrouded Gaunt House. The Riddle house loomed over the remains of a lovely garden.

Lupin sniffed deeply, whined, and took a step forward. Severus drew his wand and murmured revelio, holding the spell until the vines peeled back to show the front door.

Lupin yowled and scampered behind him. Severus gasped at the wave of Darkness, loss, and raw, overwhelming pain. How had anyone lived here?

The wolf nosed at Severus' leg. “Yes, you're right,” Severus murmured.

They disapparated.

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