Snape 100


February 1st, 2017

ellid @ 08:02 am: Title: Ancestral Home, III
Challenge: mythbusting: Stately Snape Manor
Word Count: 100
NOTE: this happens immediately after “I (Don't) Remember Mama”

“And she based this on what, precisely?” Severus glared at the mirror behind the bar on general principles. “My finely tailored wardrobe? My posh accent? My glittering social connections?”

“Oh, sod that,” said Potter. He claimed the pretzels, scowled as he realized that most were broken, and picked through to find an intact one. “Everyone knew you were thick with the Malfoys.”

“I was his fag my first two years. It's not as if I had a choice.”

Potter snorted. “Glad we didn't have those in Gryffindor.”

“You don't know the half of it,” said Severus.

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