Snape 100


June 15th, 2016

ellid @ 07:53 am: Title: Breeding Stock, III
Challenge: Magical Creatures
Word Count: 100

“What is this, Severus?” Minerva brushed a stray tuft of fur from her robs – she hated blowing coat – and frowned at the neatly written report. “Thestral breeding?”

“The mares rejected our old stallion,” Severus replied. “We need to replace him, preferably before the mares eat him. The Ministry sent me a list of stud farms with good bloodlines that are not closely related to our mares. They suggest at least two stallions, possibly three, to avoid problems with inbreeding.”

“Three stallions? That sounds rather expensive.”

“Ah.” Severus pulled out a Ministry pamphlet. “Not quite.”

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