Snape 100


October 31st, 2014

ellid @ 07:37 am: Title: Unheavenly Twins, V
Challenge: Lorcan and Lysander Scamander
Word Count: 100

“Professor Snape?”

Severus breathed in on a ten-count. Did they have to speak in unison? “Yes, Messires Scamander?”

“We have a present for you.” The boys moved forward, one bearing a small gift-wrapped box. “We wanted to make up for your robes.”

What would he do if it was another Patagonian animal? “That's not necessary, gentlemen.“

“You'll like it,” said one, setting down the box. “It's hair and fewmets from a Peruvian whooping llama. They're similar to guanacos, only magical.”

Severus' eyebrows raised. “Well. This is a pleasant surprise. Thank - “

The box whooped.

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