Snape 100


October 30th, 2014

ellid @ 08:03 am: Title: Unheavenly Twins, IV
Challenge: Lorcan and Lysander Scamander
Word Count: 100

“This was to have been expected,” observed Minerva, sipping her tea. “Scamanders and animals, Lovegoods and oddities – be grateful the family agreed to pay for your robes to be cleaned, Severus, and move on.”

Severus scowled. “Then you don't mind the parrots? Or the tuco-tuco? Rumor has it that they've installed a plimpy tank in their room - “

“Not true,” interjected Filius. “It's a fwooper cage.”

“ - or the skunk, which is not housebroken - “

“The dung is most useful,” said Pomona, and Severus repressed the urge to hex her on the spot.

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