Snape 100


October 13th, 2014

ellid @ 07:39 am: Title: She Turned Him Into a Newt, I
Challenge: James Potter
Word Count: 100

If Rose Weasley was intelligent to the point of rivaling her brilliant mother, and Scorpius Malfoy was what his father might have been, James Potter was a peculiar mix of his hated grandsire and his ridiculous uncle. Smart, mischievous, annoying, obtuse - Severus did his best to avoid him except during class.

That changed when Victoire Weasley, fed up with her cousin mocking her romantic life, turned him into a dog-sized newt that either could not or would not be restored to humanity.

“Perhaps a potion,” said Minerva after her sixth attempt had failed, and Severus cursed his life.

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