Snape 100


October 8th, 2014

ellid @ 07:51 am: Title: Deja Vu All Over Again, III
Challenge: Rose Weasley
Word Count: 100

“Miss Weasley. A moment, if you would.”

The girl froze for a moment, then nodded to her minions (a Gryffindor and two introverted Hufflepuffs). She waited for them to exit before walking up the aisle to his desk.

“Yes, Professor Snape?”

“Your work, Miss Weasley,.” He was not surprised when the girl paled down to her freckles. “It is quite – unexpected.”

“If there's something wrong, sir, I - “

“Far from it.” Severus would not make the same mistakes he'd made with her mother. “I have a proposal for you, Miss Weasley - “

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