Snape 100


October 7th, 2014

ellid @ 07:55 am: Title: Deja Vu All Over Again, II
Challenge: Rose Weasley
Word Count: 100

Rose would be a problem.

Severus contemplated her first written assignment. The handwriting was a horror show, loopy and unformed, but the thought process was clear, logical, and far in advance of the average sixth year, let alone an eleven year old.

This would have been delightful – Severus always appreciated a bright pupil – had Rose not inherited her mother's bossiness, tendency to blurt out the answer, and unconscious ability to collect minions. Add in the Weasley propensity for trouble, and keeping her from running amok out of sheer boredom would not be easy.

Fortunately Severus enjoyed a challenge.

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