Snape 100


September 26th, 2014

ellid @ 07:11 am: Title: The New Guy Gal, V
Challenge: The Next Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher
Word Count: 100

“Severus?” said Minerva, and Severus froze as Fleur Weasley, graceful as ever, entered the room.

“Madam Weasley. Always a pleasure.”

“You seem surprised that I have taken the position, yes?” Her English had improved quite a bit since her schooldays.

Severus hesitated. “It was my understanding that your – condition – compelled you to decline.”

Fleur delicately rubbed the gentle swell below her waist. “I 'ave learned that veelas have more control over when they give birth than humans. There will be no difficulties.”

“Excellent,” said Severus, and smiled at both her and Minerva.

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