Snape 100


September 25th, 2014

ellid @ 07:54 am: Title: The New Guy, IV
Challenge: The Next Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher
Word Count: 100

Candidate #III he claimed “extensive experience with the supernatural,” but his chain smoking, his refusal to wear anything but a trench coat, and a most unhealthy cough were enough to unnerve the faculty, let alone the first-years.

Candidate #IV was a woman who could only cast spells by talking backwards. Minerva was desperate enough to hire her anyway until Severus pointed out that she spoke no Latin.

Candidate #V floated in babbling about needing a “sanctum sanctorum” and an Asian houseboy. Severus recommended the nearest curry shop and didn't even bother to tell Minerva.

What would they do now?

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