Snape 100


September 24th, 2014

ellid @ 07:23 am: Title: The New Guy, III
Challenge: The Next Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher
Word Count: 100

The next candidate was was a hearty, mustachioed American with a great quantity of turquoise jewelry, pointy-toed boots, and an all but unintelligible drawl. He pronounced Minerva a “fine looking filly,” clapped Severus on the back hard enough to make his teeth hurt, and attempted to teach the elves to “boot scoot,” which was every bit as horrifying as it sounded.

“If you hire him, I quit,” said Severus after the candidate had flown off in the general direction of Loch Ness.

“If I hire him, have me committed,” said Minerva, and reached for her whisky bottle.

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