Snape 100


September 4th, 2014

ellid @ 07:53 am: Title: If You Are Prepared, III
Challenge: Snape as DADA Teacher
Word Count: 100

“I've received complaints about your classes, Severus.” Albus' voice had weakened lately, to the point that he had to use a modified Sonorus in faculty meetings. “The Slytherin parents in particular are not happy, although I've received owls from every house.”

Severus carefully soaked a terry cloth rag in a healing solution, wrung out the excess, and wrapped the withered hand. He murmured a spell that would counteract the bulk of the Darkness pressing relentlessly toward the old man's heart. “They need to be protected. Soon neither of us will be able to do so.”

Albus shivered. “I know.”

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